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I’m Quinn. I do data stuff, mostly— I’m an analytics/data engineer at my day job. I do other computer-y things, too, mostly web development. I also love art, books, woodworking, drawing, and urbanism, so you’ll see a bit of those here too.

I’m based in Philadelphia, and I find myself in NYC pretty often as well.

Let’s talk!

I want to talk to you! If you feel like reaching out, whether for a specific reason or just…because, I welcome it. I’ll also add some things I am actively looking to connect on or help people with:

Book some time to chat with me here or drop me an email at this email address (this is a temporary email created with Apple’s email relay service; it will change if & when I start getting spam there).

Also… I live in Philadelphia and would love to grab a coffee or beer in real life too!

Some places I’ve spent time

Social Media